Planetary Turn About Time ~ 27 Sep 2021

While the Sun two-steps through Libra this year, Pluto, Ceres, Saturn, and Jupiter all turn about in or out of retrograde and all the while, Mercury traverses the zodiac in retrograde motion.


Coming up first on the docket, Pluto in Capricorn stations on 6 October, then restores direct, “prograde” motion.

Next Ceres in Gemini pivots, reversing into retrograde on 9 October.

Saturn in Aquarius next turns tail on 10 October resuming his forward path.

Finally, Jupiter in Aquarius changes course to resume straight ahead motion on 18 October, slightly before Mercury in Libra sets sail into direct motion, evidently emulating Jupiter.

All of this while the Sun, our central solar system object, he who brings light and warmth and exerts gravitational control over our revolutionary existence, enjoys his leisurely annual stroll in Libra. How does the Sun see all this planetary turning and burning from his fair and balanced point of view? For one thing, get back doing what you need to do. Honor your soul’s priorities with no codependent hangovers as to what others want you to do, or what others think is best for your soul. To be fair to yourself, in the big picture, restore self-preservation through self-preferential prioritization of all things you.

Pluto’s part of the puzzle: Reclaim your power. Eliminate the distractions of life over which you have no control anyway. Focus entirely on claiming your creativity, honoring your power and strength and apply those with devotion, discipline and dedication to dharma. Keep in mind that external bumps in the road are nothing compared to the impedances of unclaimed personal potency. Grab all you’ve got, harvest it and present it to the world with soulful confidence.

Ceres contributes with the reminder that when advocating, be perfectly clear that your advocacy places you on one side of a fence and into proverbial position-oriented pastures. Know the perimeter and agenda your position denotes, and remember you cannot stand in multiple pastures at the same time. Claim what agenda or doctrine you will. Remember there’s another side to the coin your consciousness picks. There is no three out of five. Nor can you have it both ways. This retrograde demands a poignant “you made this bed,” so ensure it’s restful certainty.

Saturn urges you get over yourself. Get over the fact that life holds conditions and rules and terms and responsibilities. Fortify your being to meet and embrace all on your path. Muster your strength and apply it with clear, conscious attention such that each act in life has purpose. Vow that every day contributes to your sense of “what it all means.” This is the time to decide if you’re going to make something of this year or if you’ll adopt the “there’s always next year” motto. Saturn is the clock-meister and he knows a thing or three about applying effort when the time is supportive of doing so... that is according to his temporal agenda, not yours. In fact, he does maintain priority opinion when it comes to the ticking of the cosmic clock.

Finally, Jupiter rights his ship from a hard turn to port. Gleefully, he observes Mercury also shifting gears and changing course to realign with his flotilla. No doubt Jupiter plans a series of dispatches for Mercury to deliver. More, Jupiter checks his keel for equilibrium and emulates the Star card in the Tarot... as in one foot firmly on land, the other in the brisk waters of the stream of Aquarius. Then he silently points to distant and profound destinations. His silent directive means get on with all those promises, affirmations, resolutions, goals or other plans that you declared willfully or unwittingly. He encourages everyone to be true to their word and put some gusto behind spouted declarations of agenda or aspiration.

Jupiter does not remind you that Saturn favors those who get things done in a competent and timely manner. He believes you should know this by now. Nor does he mention that the tricky wicket of Ceres advocacy needs care and thoughtfulness before leaping onto bandwagons. He does not note that those obsessed with cancel culture increase the probability of their own cancellation. He does not mention that Pluto and Saturn love the joy of a job well done, goals fulfilled and commitment to making something of this incarnation. Their combined approval stirs passion and power deep within. He will, however, assign Mercury the task of creating some fortune-cookie like messages to ponder and upon which one might be inclined to pin hope. Attend to those crumbled cookies and heed the messages. When you realize you’ve been pinged by the planets, ponder for a moment what thoughts and actions best serve your soul.

This is the time of year when the turning calendar pages pressure the need for tread to meet the road. These last months, weeks, days, hours and into finite time demarcation of the year are precious. Savor the time. Honor your agenda and aspirations and get on with the getting on. Remaining in this year lies the time to complete promissory fulfillment what is need so that ego and expectation, soul and purpose at the end of this year are satisfied with the results.